Connectivity analysis of natural environments

Our team identifies and analyzes corridors that are essential to the movement of animal species across the territory.

This analysis allows us to reconnect natural environments and meet the basic needs of wildlife by providing ecological corridors.

Thanks to our our connectivity connectivity analysis tool, we prioritize the conservation actions to be undertaken in order to fight against biodiversity loss.

Our project with the MRC de l'Assomption

  • Assessment of habitat quality for selected species to identify a network of interconnected habitat patches.

  • Prioritization of areas to be conserved to maintain connectivity of movement corridors for many species.

  • Mapping the connectivity of the territory to better understand the movement routes between habitat patches for each species.

  • Identification of connectivity restoration actions to select key sites that will improve movement through the habitat network.

Our analysis in a few steps:

We analyzed the movements of 5 species representative of the St. Lawrence Lowlands wildlife community. The movement corridors and habitat patches of high value for species connectivity are located at the boundaries of the MRC.

2,448 potential restoration sites were analyzed. Some wastelands are to be targeted as a priority for reforestation actions in order to re-establish a north-south travel corridor.

Do you want to know the connectivity between the natural environments of your territory? Implement conservation actions that will ensure the basic needs of species?