Identification map of agricultural corridors in Quebec
This interactive map was produced as part of a project funded by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) to assess the role of agricultural corridors in improving ecological connectivity in the St. Lawrence Lowlands region. Our team developed a methodology for identifying agricultural corridors in the region.
This methodology is used and adapted in the Demain la forĂŞt - Infrastructures vertes project to identify corridors throughout Quebec's agricultural territory. By identifying these corridors, we can prioritize the agricultural corridors to be afforested that will most improve connectivity and increase the contribution of ecosystem services.
The data shown on the map can be found in the downloadable file below. This file also contains a document containing various practices and developments that can be mobilized in agricultural corridors with the aim of encouraging the presence of certain field or forest species. The datasets are licensed under CC_BY_NC_ND v4.0. To find out more